Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Downfall of Us All

Eugene Grey went on a road trip with a few of his men to visit each of the other kingdoms to see how they were doing. As he went on into every other kingdoms, Elixar, Gardyè, and Garth had joined him on a road trip with their own men. Eugene had asked the other kingdoms if it was okay if each throne shared resources with each other such as food, land, and money. Eugene wanted things to be in the North because it was more peaceful and quiet. Gardyè was okay with everything because he knew that the North lacked resources such as not having enough land, food, and money which the East had plenty of. Garth didn't really like the idea because he wanted to make sure his people in his kingdom have as much as possible. Elixar was against the idea due to not wanting to share any part of his resources with anyone besides his family. This then lead to an argument and disagreement between the four and things started to heat up really quick. Gardyè and Eugene both argued about wanting to help each other for the good while Garth and Elixar were on the opposite side.

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